Visitor Restrictions

The epidemic of influenza has become severe in Kitakyushu city, so we implement the visitor restriction to prevent the influenza infection to
the inpatients and outpatients at our hospital. We would like you to understand that no visitors except the following people are allowed
at our hospital.

【The visitors who can visit the inpatients】
1. The person who is to be given some explanation by doctors.
2. The person whose family member undergoes the surgery on the day or one day before.
3. The person who got a call from the hospital and told to come. (In the case where the situation has suddenly changed etc.)

*When you visit the inpatients at our hospital, we implement the visitor’s health check.
If you have a symptom such as fever (including slight fever), cough, runny nose, we will not permit you to visit our patients.
*The person without face mask is not permitted to visit the ward.
*The visitors of a big group are not permitted to visit the ward.
*Please use the “Quick-drying Rubbing-type sanitizer for hand” at the door of each room when you come and out there.
*If you need to bring something to our inpatients, please hand them to our staff in front of the elevator on each floor..
About Saturday (after 12:30), Sundays & Holidays, please hand them to our staff in front of the guard’s room.

January 16, 2020.
Director of Tobata Kyoritsu Hospital
Infection control committee chairperson of Tobata Kyoritsu Hospital